Icecat listed on UK dropshipping platform Avasam

Avasam, headquartered in London, is a dropshipping marketplace. The platform contains all the tools a retailers needs to integrate product content in a webshop, source quality products from UK-based suppliers, and automate order processing, payments and shipping. Now that Icecat is listed on Avasam, retailers can register for Icecat and download free product content.

Download Product Content for Free

Product content is essential for any online business that wants to sell its products or services. Adding images and videos can be great to add depth and detail to your product content. It helps to illustrate, but it can also help attract attention and convert more visitors into customers. Enhanced content such as Product Stories is a great way to give the online shoppers the feeling of actually holding the product in their hands.

Using the Icecat platform gives retailers many benefits. Product content from brands is delivered in a timely manner, complete and complemented by localized digital assets. The content of brands is now available immediately after registration in the Icecat catalog for free in 60+ languages. Retailers have the option to download and implement the product content in various formats. For example in CSV, XML, JSON, or Icecat LIVE.

Register for free. Or In case you have any questions, please contact us directly.